Monday, December 13, 2010

my oh my an apple pie

Today Jane and I went to Central London and found an Asian food market in Chinatown that sells mochi, tofu, miso, etc. etc. etc.!  It had basically everything that the Oriental market in Salt Lake has.  I got really excited and probably overspent. 

I also stopped at Sainsbury's and got the makings for a sour cream apple pie.  My mom sent me a Christmas care package, and included a pie tin--she'd heard my woes about not being able to find one in time for Thanksgiving.  (Thanks Mom!)  So today, after finishing my paper, of course, I made pie for my flatmates.

After years of watching my mom's hands crimp the crust, I still can't do it like she does...

...But it tasted delicious and was a big hit!  

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