Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Last night the orchestra had a "gig" at St. Mary-le-Bow church, which is by St. Paul's Cathedral.  It was some kind of special service, and we combined with the choir.  The orchestra here is open to any and everyone, so the people who stick with it are really in it just for the joy of playing music and meeting other people who share that enthusiasm.  Four flautists, including myself, were there--one of them had decided that the flute players should all wear pink for the concert, and we all pulled through.  Wish I'd gotten a picture!  The acoustics in the church were amazing; we sounded like pros!  There was something awe-inspiring about the sound of singing voices in that space.  Afterward, most of us had dinner at a cafe downstairs--in the crypt!  Curry and dessert for 10 pounds: a good deal for a dinner in London.  It was a fun night.

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